Air Pollution at home, how to avoid it?

Por Vortice
Air Pollution at home, how to avoid it?

Do your children get sick often? Do they have respiratory problems? Allergies? If diseases and viruses are very common in your home, it may be due to the quality of the air you are breathing.

Your family is affected every day by invisible contaminants in the air they breathe. In the GAM, air pollution reaches values ​​of up to 150% higher than the value established by the World Health Organization, causing respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis and colds.

According to the WHO, due to the accelerated growth of the vehicle fleet and other factors such as mites, viruses and bacteria, the air we breathe has become the main cause of respiratory diseases.

How to keep the air in my home purified?

Many people use chemical solutions to keep the air in their home clean, however, it is important to know that these types of disinfectants contain chemical treatments that can cause allergies and irritation in the respiratory tract of some people.


That is why the best option to keep the air clean at home is the use of an air purifier. This device eliminates contaminants, mites, pollen and toxic fumes from your home in 99.9%. In this way, the air purifier will help you keep your home free of diseases. In Vortice we have one of the best air purifiers in the market, you can see it here:


How does it work 

The Airtek 360 gives you a filtering system with 7 stages that ensures the elimination of more than 99.9% of contaminants. This device absorbs the air from the room and redistributes it once it has been cleaned of any impurities. It also has a HEPA filter, a high efficiency air filter used biomedically since it ensures a high level of protection. You can see all its other features here:



No more allergies: Purifies the air of pet hairs, allergens, pollen, mites and dust. You can breathe deeply without being affected by common allergies.

Clean air to avoid getting sick: The AirTek 360 eliminates the viruses and bacteria that float in the air, reducing respiratory diseases, it also removes the smog and toxic vapors that often irritate the respiratory tract and make us sick for a longer time.

A fresh house that smells good: An air purifier removes odors without using chemical flavors that only mask the stench. Only an air purifier can remove odors from the environment effectively and safely.

If you wish to obtain an Airtek 360 air purifier, find the nearest distributor by clicking here:

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